My Little Men

These are the stories of my little men...Aidan is 5 and Sammy is 9 months...I am wondering what I have gotten myself into!

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Self image...slightly askew

Hmmmm...they say a picture is worth a thousand words, so a mom of a late talker has to take every picture her little man makes quite seriously. That's a lot of words he is trying to tell me!

The other night, Aidan was drawing on his Magna-Doodle, when he proudly announces he wants to show me a picture he had drawn. Gleefully he shows me this image...

I ask him what the picture is of and he tells me..."It is you mom. You are mad. I peed in your closet and you are mad."

Now this may seem like a bizarre image to draw, but unfortunately for me, the situation is all too real. Aidan did pee in my closet the other day and I did get VERY mad at him for it. He got a spanked bum for his trouble and I think the lesson might have stuck with him.

Wanna know how I know??

Look closely at the picture and you will notice I have no arms!! You can't get a spanked bum if I have no arms!!

Smart little man isn't he??

And just so you don't think I am on ogre with my child, this is the next picture he is of a happy mommy when he pees in the toilet. Somehow when I am happy, I turn into the Kool-Aid Guy, but maybe that's cause I am always handing him juice?? Oh yah!!


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