My Little Men

These are the stories of my little men...Aidan is 5 and Sammy is 9 months...I am wondering what I have gotten myself into!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Look Mom...LOOK!!!!

Being a Mommy is a constant battle between patience and sanity. The battle is lost sometimes when you forget about what 3 year olds find curious and haven't discovered yet. You want to be as patient as possible for your child, but adult life is about schedules sometimes. It is a constant internal battle to decide when patience is a virtue or when it is life-force sucking, waste of time that will drive you insane.

That battle was waged this very way this morning...

Aidan goes to Preschool 2 days a week. We have to be there before 9:00, so that he won't miss the "Hello Song". This means we have to leave our house no later than 8:50 to make it. At 8:48 this morning, I put Aidan in his car seat and began to buckle hm up. Just then he squeals "Look MOM!!" I follow his pointed finger and try to figure out what I am supposed to be so amazed about. I don't see anything out of the ordinary in the console or in the front seat, so this is where the battle begins.

Sanity argues that I respond with "Yah, isn't that cool!", finish buckling him up and hope he is satisfied with my response, so we can get to school on time.

Patience argues that I investigate further to determine what he is so excited about and share this discovery with my child.

This morning patience won out and I said "What are you looking at Sweetheart?" Aidan just continues to point and shout "Look Mom...LOOOOOK!" I then begin to go through an inventory of atricles he might be pointing at.

"Is it Mommy's water bottle?" "NO MOM...LOOOOOOOOK!"
"Is it the steering wheel?" "NO MOM...LOOOOOOOOK!"
"Is it something outside?" "NO MOM...LOOOOOOOOK!"

The clock ticks to 8:49 and patience is about to hold up the white flag when I notice the small dust particles in the sunbeam shining in the car. I laugh to myself and ask one more time...

"Is it the dust you are looking at?"

"Yah mom...dust!" He is staring at the floating particles and is now trying to poke them. It amazes me what he finds so new and exciting to explore. You would think dust would be old news to him living at our house :o)

Patience does a little victory dance while sanity tells me to put the pedal to the metal and get this kid to school. We luck out and hit green lights and make it in time, so Aidan doesn't miss a minute of fun. have won this round, but the war for my sanity is not over!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

My life is a waiting room...(UPDATED!)

Uggghhhh...sorry no Easter post or updated Aidan stories. I have spent the better part of the last week in doctor's offices and waiting rooms. First my mom got sick, then Nathan had to go to the cardiologist, then Aidan has some mystery lung illness which took us to Xray labs, pharmacies, and even more waiting rooms.

Looks like everyone is going to make it for now, but if I have to read one more outdated Maclean's magazine, I may have to tear my hair out!!

Hope everyone else is healthy and not reading this in a waiting room!

Update...Aidan has now become even more sick and sounds like he may indeed cough up a lung any day now and to top it all off, I woke up with a cold this morning! (and I get to work tonight until 10:00 and then start at 7:00 tomorrow morning...grrr...God help the first person who asks me why I didn't bring them any cookies!!)



Here is one quick Aidan picture...he is eating his chocolate bunny's ears, but got bored and is contemplating eating the bum next. (Which he did and laughed hysterically about!)

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Who the HELL teaches him these things??

Heeheee...just a few funny pictures of Aidan doing funny things! I have NO idea where he learns most of this stuff...

This one you might have to look closely at.

Aidan is supposed to be waving to the camera, but I think he may have forgotten to put up his other 4 fingers!! I'm not sure who to blame for this one although it did start the same day Uncle Luke babysat him at Christmas. hmmmmm...

This one I blame entirely on Cadbury and their damn clucking rabbit!! Everytime he pretends to be the Easter Bunny, he flaps his wings and clucks. Poor kid may never know that rabbits don't cluck!!

This one may be the funniest/most disturbing one. His new favorite game is to take one of his plastic Easter eggs and pretend they are boobies. When asked who taught him that, he clearly states that Auntie Edna taught him this. On questioning of this, Auntie Edna denies such teachings...I'm not sure about this one. She is the lady who taught him to draw stink lines on his drawings to represent farting, so her credibility is lacking just a little. :o)

Perhaps it is already embedded somewhere in the Y chromosome at birth?? Whatever it is, it keeps me in stitches every single day!!

Friday, April 07, 2006

100 things about Aidan...

I saw this on another Blog and thought it would be fun to do...

100 things about Aidan...

1) Aidan was born on a Sunday at 12:25 pm.
2) Aidan says his favorite colour is blue.
3) When Aidan was a baby, he would watch The Price is Right almost everyday and LOVED it.
4) Aidan will only wear plain coloured underwear (no cartoon characters or superheroes) because he wants to be like Daddy.
5) Aidan can pick out his name from a list and knows that A is for Aidan.
6) Aidan can count to 13 and then skips to 17 or 11-teen.
7) When you ask Aidan where he wants to go to have fun, he will always say "Disneyland" even though he has no idea what Disneyland is all about
8) Aidan calls Smarties "farties" because he can't say the "sm" sound
9) The only way to get Aidan to let you brush his teeth is to pretend to be a train.
10) His favorite book is "Planting a Rainbow" and he can read it to you almost word for word.
11) Aidan loves computer games and can work a mouse better than his Grandma.
12) Aidan's first word was "Da-Da".
13) Aidan was potty trained at 25 months old.
14) Aidan can now draw a face, but the body consists of just 2 legs.
15) Aidan will not go to bed without his favorite toy "Mr. Monkey".
16) Aidan took his first plane ride when he was less than 3 months old. I was 16 years old before I did!
17) Aidan loves to swing and slide at the park, but hates the teeter-totter.
18) Aidan loves vegetables, but I have a hard time getting him to eat meat.
19) Aidan has the longest eyelashes I have ever seen on a child.
20) Aidan's Great-Great Grandma is still alive.
21) Aidan won't sleep without his aquarium light on at night.
22) Aidan is slightly far-sighted, but is expected to out-grow it.
23) Aidan weighed 7 lb 9 oz at birth.
24) Aidan's favorite carnival ride is the Ferris Wheel.
25) Aidan's middle name is Robert after his Grandpa Bob who is in heaven.
26) Aidan's favorite game to play with his Grandpa Ed is "whiskatisk" (a game involving grabbing Aidan's arm and leg and swinging him back and forth)
27) Aidan thinks Uncle Luke makes the best "Finger Monster" (a game that involves sticking your fingers through the holes in an afghan and pretending to eat things with them)
28) Aidan likes to help me do laundry by throwing all of the dirty clothes over the stair railing and then kicking them to the basement. We call it laundry soccer.
29) Aidan falls for reverse psychology every time!
30) Aidan still sleeps with his baby blanket every night.
31) Aidan's room is decorated with a jungle theme including a giraffe dresser and an elephant bookcase that his daddy made him.
32) Aidan pretends that his closet is an elevator and goes inside and makes beeping noises.
33) Aidan loves to build towers with blocks, but REALLY likes knocking them down.
34) Aidan thinks the Easter Bunny might bring him a new bike. (The Easter Bunny is still thinking about it.)
35) Aidan's first ever solid food was strained peaches. He LOVED them.
36) Aidan loves watching the Simpsons.
37) Aidan once fell off a stool in the bathroom and had to have his ankle x-rayed. (It was fine)
38) Aidan ran away from me once at Wal-Mart and almost gave me a heart attack.
39) Aidan likes to put on puppet shows at preschool and they always start out with "Ladies and Gentleman...welcome to the puppet show"
40) Aidan's first movie at the theatre was Curious George. He sat through the whole thing.
41) Aidan has 1 cousin, Jean-Marc who is a teenager.
42) Aidan's favorite store is Toys R Us, followed closely by Wal-Mart and Sobey's.
43) Megan and Taylor are Aidan's best friends.
44) Aidan got his name after Nathan got drunk at an office Christmas party and was naming all the things he loved and mentioned that he loved Aidan..."that's going to be our baby's name" and the name stuck!
45) Aidan is very scared of airplane bathrooms and will only let you flush if his ears are covered VERY well.
46) Aidan will only let you wash his hair if he has a face cloth to cover his eyes with.
47) Aidan is going to see Dora the Explorer LIVE in June.
48) Aidan's favorite restaurant is McDonald's, followed closely by Wendy's and Burger King.
49) Aidan has more than 100 books in his library.
50) We read 3 books before bed every night.
51) Aidan has dressed as Bear from "Bear in the Big Blue House" 2 years in a row for Halloween.
52) Aidan still naps about 1 1/2 hours a day.
53) Aidan wears a size 9 shoe and a 3X in clothes.
54) Aidan usually only wears a shirt and underwear to bed incase he has to go pee in the night, it is easier for him.
55) Aidan loves to look at maps and point out where we live.
56) Aidan was born with a skin tag in front of his ear and had to have it snipped off by a plastic surgeon.
57) Aidan loves helping me bake cookies, but really just wants to eat the dough.
58) Aidan's first swear word was "SHIT!" and it was said in front of his Great-Grandma!
59) Aidan loves to go to the zoo and will stand and listen to the animal info tower "phones" forever!
60) Aidan hates it if his hair gets too long and will tell me he needs a haircut.
61) Aidan will guzzle any pop that is left unattended.
62) Aidan does not like to drink from any cup that doesn't have a straw.
63) Aidan's teacher said his sense of humour is very advanced for his age!
64) Aidan loves for me to video tape him dancing and then show him on t.v.
65) Aidan was born 2 weeks before his due date!
66) Aidan now speaks on our outgoing voicemail message. It sounds very cute!
67) Aidan has celebrated his last 2 birthdays at Chuck E Cheese.
68) Aidan has blond hair and green eyes.
69) Aidan loves to pay in the mud and LOVES to wear his rubber boots.
70) Aidan's toenails do not grow very fast and have only had to be trimmed a couple of times EVER!
71) Aidan wants to wear his sunglasses all the time...even inside.
72) Aidan has only slept 1 night away from me...when I had to have surgery.
73) Aidan once threw up in his daddy's hair.
74) Aidan loves to play "I spy with my little eye..."
75) Aidan asked Santa for a Light Sabre for Christmas.
76) Aidan once emailed a mystery file to several people on our contact list. We still have no idea how he did it.
77) Aidan still pees the bed several times a week, but refuses to go back to diapers.
78) Aidan's birth stone is Blue Zircon.
79) Aidan loves juice and drinks far too much everyday.
80) Aidan once pooped in the bathtub.
81) Aidan has met Cooter from Dukes of Hazzard.
82) Aidan loves to fly his Spiderman kite.
83) Aidan is 103 cm tall.
84) As an infant, Aidan's head was so big, it was off the growth chart at the doctor's office.
85) When Aidan talks on the phone, he has to say good-bye and kiss BOTH ends of the phone before he will hand the receiver over.
86) Aidan loves to ride his bike in circles in the basement.
87) Aidan pretends to be "Baby Aidan" and I have to rock him and pretend to feed and burp him. Then he pretends he pooped on me.
88) Aidan loves to go to Preschool and wants to bring Mr. Monkey for Show and Tell every week.
89) In the summer, Aidan has a volcano sprinkler that shoots water higher than our house.
90) Aidan has so many pictures taken of him, they no longer fit on one disc!
91) Aidan has a terrible temper at times...I have no idea where he got it from. *blushes*
92) Aidan loves to play the game "Memory", but calls it Checkers.
93) Aidan calls Valentine's Day "Love Day" because that's what they call it on Blue's Clues.
94) Aidan hated soothers when he was a baby and REFUSED to take one no matter how cranky he got.
95) Aidan's favorite t.v. show used to be "Bear in the Big Blue House". He would giggle so much when Bear would "smell" him through the t.v.
96) Aidan used to love his Jolly Jumper and would jump until he fell asleep in it.
97) Aidan is a Capricorn.
98) Aidan was born in the year of Horse in Chinese Astrology.
99) Aidan would prefer to run around naked 24/7 if we would let him!
100) Aidan is the most special boy in the world to me and I love him with all my heart!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Totally off topic... ode to my furniture kingdom!

Click here IKEA song to hear a very funny song about my beloved Ikea! Here are the lyrics incase you can't download it...

Long ago in days of yore
It all began with a god named Thor
There were Vikings and boats
And some plans for a furniture store
It’s not a bodega, it’s not a mall
And they sell things for apartments smaller than mine
As if there were apartments smaller than mine

Ikea: just some oak and some pine and a handful of Norsemen
Ikea: selling furniture for college kids and divorced men
Everyone has a home
But if you don’t have a home you can buy one there

So rent a car or take the bus
Lay your cash down and put your trust
In the land where the furniture folds to a much smaller size
Billy the bookcase says hello
And so does a table whose name is Ingo
And the chair is a ladder-back birch but his friends call him Karl

Ikea: just some oak and some pine and a handful of Norsemen
Ikea: selling furniture for college kids and divorced men
Everyone has a home
But if you don’t have a home you can buy one there

Ikea: plywood, brushed steel
Ikea: meatballs, tasty
Ikea: Allen wrenches
All of them for free
All of them for me

I’m sorry I said Ikea sucks
I just bought a table for 60 bucks
And a chair and a lamp
And a shelf and some candles for you
I was a doubter just like you
Till I saw the American dream come true
In New Jersey, they got a goddamned Swedish parade

Ikea: just some oak and some pine and a handful of Norsemen
Ikea: selling furniture for college kids and divorced men
Everyone has a home
But if you don’t have a home you can buy one there

I hope you enjoy!

Monday, April 03, 2006

I hope he chooses singing...

I wrote in my last post about how Aidan likes to make up songs these days. His VERY favorite is...


It is very fun to listen to...especially the 356th time in an afternoon...grrrrr.

He made up a new one in the car the other day. The car was kinda dirty because of all the melting snow and he starts singing...

The windows are so dirty...
they are dirty...
it is so gross!

I think he may have a future in the music industry!

I really hope he chooses NOT to do this for a living though...

Aidan's Auntie Edna was visiting the other day. Aidan is pretty comfortable with her and was running around in just his tightie-whities and a T-shirt. We had just finished watching Survivor and were sitting there chatting, when all of a sudden Aidan starts dancing around, pulling his butt cheeks apart and pretending he is talking through them. (a la Ace Ventura...a movie he has never seen!!) He calls it his butt dance.

I hope he isn't dancing the butt dance for dollar bills one day! Please let him choose singing!