My Little Men

These are the stories of my little men...Aidan is 5 and Sammy is 9 months...I am wondering what I have gotten myself into!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Mother's Day video!

Happy belated Mother's Day to everyone with boys...I can only hope to get such a beautiful photo of my children some day...I haven't laughed this hard in a long time!


Tuesday, May 16, 2006

It's been a while...

Sorry for no stories the last little while. I will try to update more often!

Aidan has of course been making me laugh everyday and doing cute are a couple!

1) We were visiting friends the other night and when it was time to go home, Aidan was given a bag of goodies to eat in the car to keep him awake for the trip home. It was working pretty well and he ate a granola bar and drank a juice box. Then it was really quiet back there all of a sudden...I look back and Aidan has fallen asleep with the biggest mouthful of candy he could possibly have. We are talking chipmunk cheeks full of candies...and the best part?? One gummy blue whale tail hanging out of the side of his mouth while he snored!

2) Aidan has a new is his first "big boy" puzzle that isn't just a tray puzzle with pieces you fit in. This one is 24 pieces and you have to make it from scratch. It is a picture of a car to put together and Aidan LOVES it...the only problem?? He is not too good at putting it together yet. Which usually isn't a problem. I have patience to help put it together several times a day. The only problem is when the phone rings in the middle of putting it together. The poor person on the other end of the line will hear nothing but "Mom, where does this piece go? Mom, where does this piece go? MOOOOOOMMMMMM, WHERE DOES THIS PIECE GO????" It's easier to let it go to voicemail!

Hope everyone has a great one!