My Little Men

These are the stories of my little men...Aidan is 5 and Sammy is 9 months...I am wondering what I have gotten myself into!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

No such thing...


Aidan made me giggle today. He had made a huge mess in the livingroom with all of his toys and I told him "Okay, you need to help me pick up all this junk!!"

In all seriousness, Aidan looks at me and says, "MOM...there is no such thing as junk...or monsters!"

I wonder what made him put those 2 things together?? I don't know about monsters, but by the look of our basement, there is definitely such a thing as JUNK!!

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Aidan the fish...

Tonight we are putting Aidan to bed and Nathan says "Oh oh...I think the goldfish is dead, he is upside down."

Thank goodness on closer inspection the fish is just fine and just napping. Aidan had been laying on his back on his bed and overheard this. He starts giggling and gets up on his hands and knees and says "Look Daddy, I'm upside down better flush me down the toilet!!"

What a ham he is!!

It isn't easy being good...

It's tough work being 3...the expectations placed on your little shoulders can be enormous and can sometimes be overwhelming. Even a trip to Blockbuster can be more than a little guy can handle!

Friday night we are driving to the video store to pick up a movie and I tell Aidan that he can pick a movie too....IF he behaves himself in the store and doesn't run around. (The last trip had ended up with Aidan being taken to the car without a movie because he chose to run around and not listen.) Nathan tells him what the expectations are at the movie store and that there is to be no running, no whining for treats and no yelling.

Nathan asks, "Aidan do you think you can do that?"

Aidan rolls his eyes and lets out the deepest sigh possible and says...

"I'll try my best Dad, but it isn't gonna be easy!"

Life is rough isn't it??

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Preschool graduate...

It was a proud moment little man graduated from Preschool. They had a little certificate presentation and the class sang a few songs for the parents. It was so fun.

One especially proud "Mommy" moment was when they were about to sing their first song and Aidan decides that is the best moment ever to grab his crotch with both hands and sway along with the music. He did this for the entire song and then took a big bow at the end. Thank goodness the next song had actions to it, so he had something better to do with his hands!

Preschool has also taught him to sing his ABCs...sort of. He puts letter combinations together a little differently that the conventional song, but most of them are in there somewhere. Aidan's version goes a little something like this...(and I SWEAR this is how he sings it...NO exaggerations!)

ABCD...SOB....HIJK...I'm go P...URS...WXY and Z.

Definitely worth $65 a month!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

A cautionary tale...

This is a cautionary tale to any parent who may occasionally get upset with their significant other for being "not as sensitive as they could be" advised

...choose your words wisely...

The other day I was trying to get Aidan dressed for school. He was having nothing to do with it and just wanted to play with his toys. I told him that if he didn't get dressed, he wouldn't be going to school. He still didn't want to get dressed, so I repeated the consequence again...a little louder. He then turned around to me and said...

"Why you have to be an ass today?"

I picked my jaw up off the floor and asked him why he would say that to mommy. He shrugged his little shoulder and said...

"You say that to Daddy."


Saturday, June 03, 2006

The art of the STALL...

Aidan is good at many things...he has a memory like an elephant, the reflexes of a cat and the energy of a spider monkey on crack. The one thing he is VERY, VERY, VERY good at is stalling...especially at bedtime. This 3 year old never runs out of "things" to do when it comes to going to bed.

A typical bedtime looks something like this...

8:30 - bath time (this includes 5 minutes of screaming that he doesn't want to have a bath, followed by 3-4 minutes of bargaining over the fact that he will have a bath, but he doesn't want to wash his hair. This of course is followed by 30 minutes of playtime in the tub, where he has a great time and only momentarily sobs about the shampoo that almost got in his eyes)

9:00 - toothbrushing - (seems simple enough, but this of course involves 3-4 minutes of screaming over the fact that he does not want his teeth brushed, followed by 2-3 minutes of him humming and hawing over how he would like his teeth brushed...should Mom pretend to be a choo choo train or a car tonight?? Then of course the actual 2 minutes of brushing)

9:15 - PJ and diaper time - (again seems like a simple task, but Aidan has mastered the art of finding any toy, scrap piece of paper, or dust particle to sidetrack him and keep him from getting dressed. Then he of course has to do his famous "Please get your diapey on" naked dance which cracks me up so much, it only encourages him to do it for 5-6 more minutes. This is followed by him pretending to put his Pull-up on Mr. Monkey and laughing hysterically like this was the funniest thing he had ever thought of and not the 487th time he has done this. Almost certainly the moment he finally does get dressed, he of course decides he now has to go pee and strips down again to do his business.)

9:30 - story time - (Aidan is allowed to choose 3 books to read at bedtime. His choices are very well calculated and can take several minutes to gather the exact right combination. He has a VERY big library and he almost always chooses books, returns them to the shelf, chooses another and returns it to the shelf. Ironically, even though he has 100-150 books on his shelves, I read the SAME 3 books almost every night. After 10 minutes of careful deliberation, I always read The Berenstain Bears, Froggy goes to school, and some wordless book about a mouse who mixes paint colours and makes a mess.)

9:45 - sleepy time - (the stories are read, Aidan has a drink of water and Mr. Monkey is tucked under his arm...I am about to close the door when I hear..."Mom, I have question for you". I poke my head in and ask "What sweetheart?" "Mom, why do you cook?" "So we will have things to eat and we won't be hungry." "Oh,, I have 'nother question for you.....ummmmm...ummmm...Mom, why do you cook?" I sigh deeply and say goodnight. I close the door finally and start to go down the stairs...I reach the bottom stair and from upstairs I hear...

"MOM...can I have another kiss please?"