My Little Men

These are the stories of my little men...Aidan is 5 and Sammy is 9 months...I am wondering what I have gotten myself into!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Things I don't want to forget...

Life moves fast...very fast sometimes, and I have been a bad blogger! I am afraid that I will forget some of my favorite stories about my little men! They are easily forgotten if not written down!

1) Aidan started Kindergarten earlier this month. He goes all day. We were walking to school the other day and I asked him if he was excited for school and he says, "Full heart, full day of school." I got a little teary thinking how wonderful it was that his heart was full of love to start his school day!

2) We were driving the other day and Aidan was talking to Sammy in the back seat. I got a little teary again when Aidan says to Sammy, "Sammy, I will love you forever and Wednesdays!" Too cute!

3) I have been breastfeeding Sammy and do it openly in front of Aidan. I guess he thought he could be a mommy too and I found him with his shirt up, breastfeeding Mr. Monkey (his favorite stuffed animal!). heehee