My Little Men

These are the stories of my little men...Aidan is 5 and Sammy is 9 months...I am wondering what I have gotten myself into!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Talking to Strangers...

Some parents worry about how they will talk to their children about the birds and the bees, drugs, smoking...and all that serious stuff.

Not me...I know I will have no problem explaining condoms and doobies to my little man when he grows up. What I am really struggling with is how to explain to him that we don't talk to strangers.

You see, Aidan talks to EVERYONE!!! We could be walking through Safeway and EVERY time we pass someone, he has to say "hi". If they respond to him, he then has to tell them, "I'm Aidan!" This usually leads to a friendly conversation and an exchange of pleasantries and we are on our way to the next person who might come within earshot. Not really much harm done, but it takes a while to grab groceries.

Yesterday, we were out for a bike ride. Aidan notices one of the neighbours in his front yard without a shirt on. Amazed that someone would be outside with their boobies showing, he asks me why that man has his shirt off.

(In my head I was thinking "who cares why?...Anyone with abs like that should be forced to walk around with his shirt off"...but again that is a different blog altogether!)

But, I explain that he is probably hot and it is okay for boys to have their shirts off. The young guy over-hears this and smiles at Aidan. This is all Aidan needs and he is introducing himself and show off his bike. We find out this guys name is Carson and he likes riding bikes too. Aidan is content and we pedal on. Again, no harm done.

So how do I tell him that he's not supposed to talk to people? How do I break the news that not everyone is good in the world?

Who knew I would be looking forward to the sex talk and dreading this? Go figure!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Ready for his close-up!

I was shooting a few pictures of Aidan yesterday, trying to get a good one where he wasn't making his "fake smile" face and after looking at the pictures downloaded, I have come to the conclusion that an Academy Award will be in his future for sure!! (I just hope he washes the yogurt off his face before he auditions!)

Here's the proof...



"In love!"

"Belly laugh!"

And my very favorite...

"Do you feel lucky punk...DO YOU??"

I've always said he was a drama queen!