My Little Men

These are the stories of my little men...Aidan is 5 and Sammy is 9 months...I am wondering what I have gotten myself into!

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Self image...slightly askew

Hmmmm...they say a picture is worth a thousand words, so a mom of a late talker has to take every picture her little man makes quite seriously. That's a lot of words he is trying to tell me!

The other night, Aidan was drawing on his Magna-Doodle, when he proudly announces he wants to show me a picture he had drawn. Gleefully he shows me this image...

I ask him what the picture is of and he tells me..."It is you mom. You are mad. I peed in your closet and you are mad."

Now this may seem like a bizarre image to draw, but unfortunately for me, the situation is all too real. Aidan did pee in my closet the other day and I did get VERY mad at him for it. He got a spanked bum for his trouble and I think the lesson might have stuck with him.

Wanna know how I know??

Look closely at the picture and you will notice I have no arms!! You can't get a spanked bum if I have no arms!!

Smart little man isn't he??

And just so you don't think I am on ogre with my child, this is the next picture he is of a happy mommy when he pees in the toilet. Somehow when I am happy, I turn into the Kool-Aid Guy, but maybe that's cause I am always handing him juice?? Oh yah!!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Breaker, breaker good buddy!

"Breaker, breaker good buddy"

"Pigpen, this here's the rubber duck and we're about to put the hammer down!"

"Let them truckers roll, 10-4"

These are the sounds I have heard from the backseat of my car EVERY single day of my life for the last month!!

Before anyone asks...No I don't have a 300 lb trucker on his CB radio back there. Just one blond 3 year old with a favorite new song.

I recently bought the new Paul Brandt CD. (mmmmmmmm...Paul Brandt...I'd like to blog about him if you know what I mean...wink wink...oh wait, that is not what I was writing about!) He has an updated version of the classic trucker song "Convoy" on it. As soon as Aidan heard that song, he started yelling "again mom, again". I thought it was cute that he liked it, so I played it again for him. It has now been 31 days and I haven't heard any other song in the car since.

It is on a continuous loop.

Someone please rescue me.

It's gotten so bad...I am begging to listen to Barney!!

Catch you on the flip side Good Buddy! 10-4!